Elevate Your Brand
Fort Myers, FL
The sun is shining brighter, the days are getting longer. And IMS Branded Solutions is staying busy! We know that this time of year brings in a flood of Tyvek orders. Why? Because Summer = Events and Events = Wristbands!
The opportunity to use Tyvek wristbands is everywhere. From county fairs to water parks; golf outings, concerts, parades, bars, hotels, tour groups, company events and beyond! Whoever is hosting, IMS Branded Solutions knows they count on our wristbands for their crowd control.
This versatile product provides the ability to determine a paid customer from a trespasser, a VIP guest from…us peasants; as well as age Identification, height restrictions, just to show your part of the group or really anything you can dream up!
But before you experience the versatility, you’ll notice the affordability.
0.064 cents provides you with a durable, colorful and most importantly, customizable promotional product that can extend far beyond the intended use.
Because if you’re like me, these event wristbands will become a keepsake.
A little reminder of an amazing day that you can hold on to forever.
We can even help you make your wristband a keepsake. Ask one of our reps about our Tyvek Wristbands and spread the word! 🙂
Want more information?
[contact-form to=’LAbraham@mchsi.com’ subject=’Event Wristbands Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
#fair #wristband #event #hotel #CedarRapidsScreenPrinting #waterpark #CrowdControl #Concert #Tyvek #CedarRapidsPromotionalProducts #GolfOuting #ticket #TShirtShop #companypicnic #bars #tourgroup #parade #OutdoorEvent
15050 Elderberry Lane
Suite 6V-11
Fort Myers, FL 33907
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